Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tomorrow I m heading north again, to near Morioka, so I dont know when ill be able to write again. Hope everybody is fine. Will ther be anybody left in Dublin when I come back? At least Tim, right? Tim wait for meeeee..... Big kissessssss


Laura said...

Ciao Donata, le foto sono tutte meravigliose, davvero!! Vorrei essere li' con te, pero' e' bello fare esperienze del genere on your own. Sembra proprio che sei felice e ti stai divertendo. Ieri sono andata a casa di Tim e c'era anche Grainne e abbiamo fatto il pane con le cipolle e il formaggio, e' venuto buonissimo, mi sono scritta la ricetta cosi' poi lo faccio altre volte. Bacioni.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you blogging - we are looking forward to see you back in Dublin! :)


Tim Dowling said...

Tim? Who's this guy you're talkin bout? Kidding :-) Looking to seeing you and of course hearing everything you've been up to! I bet you'll be so depressed to be back!....Yeah, you know I'll be here..I'm always talking bout going away but I NEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRR leave! what's up with that? Keep posting photos, I love seeing that Japan through your camera!

love and hugs

Tim :-)

Mick O'Sullivan said...

I really like those Popeye Crabs. Can you bring one back for me? Yeah, i will be in Spain when you get back, but maybe for you this is a good thing no? :) Everyone is telling me to go, i think they have had enough mick. They haven't had enough donats though and are already at the airport waiting for you to come back :)