Tuesday, July 8, 2008

can anybody tell me how to rotate pictures.... please?


Laura said...

Ciao Donata,
sono cosi' contenta per te..le foto sono molto belle, soprattutto i templi, mi manchi, qua una noia mortale. Domani vedo Tim, Mick e Gronia. Andiamo a prendere un cafe'. Sono contenta che i giapponesi ti stiano trattando bene..Ciao bea!!

Mick O'Sullivan said...

Ciao Donats,
Mick here. Ur Photos are great, please send more. It looks cool over there. lots to see. Glad the people are really nice too. Do they have scumbags in tokyo? Will you send a picture of one? Enjoy, talk soon.

Tim Dowling said...

Hi ya Donats, those buildings all look great. I don't know how to change the photos but you can send it to us before you post then and will email them back turned around ;-) Maybe that's some help for you.
Hey Mick, why should she be looking for a scumbag? She can be looking for some more Tinkerbells for me!!!! YEAHHHHh


Laura said...

Donata per girare le foto, salvale sul pc, right click sulla foto che vuoi, apri con: windows pictures and fax viewer, con questo programma puoi risalvare le foto e rotearle, ciao cara, divertiti.

Fran Johnston said...

whats going on with that building at the top? the perspective is all wrong! looks cool.is this chiba or tokyo? won't need to go if you keep taking all these photos. we can turn it into a virtual tokyo!