Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The tide here was low.


Mick O'Sullivan said...

hey donats, good to hear from you. Pictures are great, really amazing places. Love hiroshima. The story of the girl with leukemia made me sad. I am in madrid now, but i hope to see you when you get back to dublin. i will visit in a few weeks. for now i will keep watching your blog. take care.

Tim Dowling said...

hey hoooo, long time no hear! Gosh, it'll be so good to see you again! Are you applying to BOulder?

Anyway, all is going well on this side of the rainy continent! Whenever I cycle to work it rains (is this a sign or what??)

Such wonderful photographs, I cant wait to hear more stories when you're back, u probably have so much to tell.

Enjoy the last few weeks in Japan!

Hugs and take care,

Tim and Vlad

Laura said...

Ciao Donats, come va'..? Tra poco sei di nuovo qui con noi, mi sono piaciute tantissimo tutte le foto. Molto suggestive. A presto, appena arrivi mandami un messaggio. Il mio cellulare e' rotto ma riesco ancora a ricevere e mandare messaggi.