Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kon nichi wa.
The night views are actually from the terrace of an apartment where I went for a bbq> First I couldnt believe I could ahve a bbq in Tokyo on the concrete and second that the view was spectacular!! There s also a pict of the family who held the bbq at their place, very nice people.
Then there s Fujisan, but very disappointing the view from half way to the top. Full of souvenir shops and all. I think Fujisan is wonderful is seen from far away (impossible in this season cause its too humid). But I would like to go back to climb it overnight like one s supposed to. Maybe next time. Anyway you can see the nipple of Fuji san.
Then the day view are from another skyscraper. I love the buildin that looks like a rocket and... tan tan taaaaaan, its not finished yet, but almost!!


enjoy Canada!! I wish I was there (nnnnoooooooo) next year!!!! Congrats for the job!!

ti sto mandando una cartolina... e un po pacchiana... ma giusto cosi... beh magnifico, ho anche rischiato la vita ieri (penso)!!! ma sono viva ti raccontero nella mail (ma niente di che eh).
I am a bit pissed off cause there are a few things that I really want to do in Tokyo and I dont have anymore time, so I m thinking about spending the last weeks back in this region so I can come to do what I have to do. Like climbing the Fujisan properly

aaw these are the last skyscrapers for the moment cause soon I ll head to the countryside.
Dont worry, you will come here and see for yourself, it never ends. Ah if you do go to Tokyo you ll have to experience also the train rush hour otherwise its not fare on me!!!

maybe i ll go to the studio in sept instead, so maybe I can speak a bit more japanese... its the best solution. But just to visit of course. Who would take me to animate anyway!!!!! Or would I go back to animation? mmmm eh eh

Sylvie e Enrico:
Ah ho scoperto che non ho mangiato okomiyaki, solo takoyaki!!! Ma mi ci portano giovedi, speriamo bene!!!! Venerdi vado in Hokkaido in un villaggio che e talmente piccolo che non c e in nessuna mappa (Rankoshi)ma so che c e la stazione del treno quindi c e speranza. ah ah
A presto . Vola vola vola vola l ape figa .. du ru du du ru duuuuuu


Laura said...

WOW Donata, che bello, ti giuro, ogni volta che guardo le foto, mi emoziono..Sembra una figata..mi raccomando pero' attenzione eh a non rischiare la vita!! Madonna!!! AHAHAH

tinylittlesandra said...

:O) Thanks hun... I was just wondering ... weres the one of you in a kamono... hummmm...